Trademark Renewal in Turkey

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Trademark Renewal in Turkey

Protection period of a registered trademark is ten years from the date of filing and renewable for periods of ten years in Turkey. The application for renewal may be filed within of six months prior to the expiration of the 10-year protection date or with a fine within the six subsequent months following the expiration of the 10-year protection date. The provisions of the Turkish IP Law No.6769 shall cease to produce effect for trademarks which have not been renewed within six months after the expiry of the period of protection.

According to Article 192 of the Turkish IP Law No. 6769 published in the Official Gazette dated 10/01/2017 and numbered 29944, in the periods related to the trademark renewal operations to be made after January 10, 2018, the “the day in which the protection period ends”  shall be taken into account instead of “last day of the month in which the protection period ends”.

In this context, it is necessary to pay attention to the application dates in order not to suffer the loss of rights in trademark renewal processes.

In the case of failure of renewal, another identical or similar trademark application covering identical or similar goods or services shall be refused by The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office where an objection is raised in the period of two years. Therefore, the grace period of two years is defined as a kind of priority right for the trademark holders to re-file their lapsed trademark by filing a new trademark application in Turkey.

Renewal takes effect from the day following the date on which the existing registration expires and the renewal shall be entered in the Register.

Renewing trademarks only for requested classes (of all registered classes) was not available while the Turkish IP Law No.6769, entitles registrants to partially renew their trademarks for some of the registered goods or services.

Renewals of trademarks are tracked by our computerized tracking system and renewal reminders are automatically sent to the clients via e-mail and facsimile well before their due dates.

For your online renewal instructions you may contact us via