Efor IP Attended to the 2017 LESI Annual Conference

Efor IP’s delegates attended to the 2017 LESI Annual Conference.

Founder Partners Sibel GUMUS and Savas GUMUS represented the Efor IP & IP Law Firm at the LESI Annual Conference 2017, at the Novotel Tour Eiffel, Paris, France , from 23 – 26 April, 2017

LESI 2017, International Annual Conference of the Licensing Executives Society is seen as an exceptional Conference that will cope with the topics of Commerce, Purchasing Supplying, Patent, Licensing, Intellectual Property and Business Development and much more.

International Annual Conference of the Licensing Executives Society is organized annually.

Paris LESI 2017 conference is focused on a changing world: “Revolution in IP? Scenarios for the Future.” and starting point is the new dynamics of the world, and ongoing places in society, science and technology. The changing world innovation and intellectual property at the heart of business and challenges all IP professionals to re-evaluate traditional IP systems and the value of IP.

There it was be ample opportunities to network with licensing professionals from many different countries. This is a great opportunity to gather here the knowledge of leading professionals across the globe to licensing and technology transfer, when commercialisation of IP have become an increasingly important part of the global competition.

For more information: http://www.lesi2017.org/